JASDFW 2023 Nengajo Contest
Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu!
Happy New Year!
Thank you to the teachers and students who participated in the JASDFW 2023 Nengajo Contest. For the Year of the Rabbit, we received 113 cards submitted by high schools and universities across the state of Texas.
What are Nengajo?
Nengajo are greeting cards sent during the New Year in Japan. They are commonly exchanged between friends, family, neighbors, and businesses that had good a relationship during the previous year and to express their gratitude in the hopes of preserving good relations in the year ahead.
Over the years, we have received hundreds of nengajo, bringing the joy of this traditional Japanese greeting card to people around the world. Today, we are happy to announce this year’s winners!

The Japan-America Society of Dallas/Fort Worth remains committed to providing quality programs in arts and culture, education, business, public policy, and international exchange, and creating opportunities for friendship and meaningful interaction.
If you would like to know more about our school cultural outreach program, please visit the Japan-in-a-Suitcase page .